Women’s Division Committee
The mission of NYIC Women’s Division is to support the efforts of women in the credit and restructuring industry and related businesses. Through educational programming and networking opportunities, NYIC Women’s Division strives to provide women with the tools necessary to succeed in business and in life.
NYIC Women's Division would like to thank Melanie Cyganowski and Leah Eisenberg for being the first officers of our Women’s Division.

Elizabeth Aboulafia
NYIC Women's Division Co-Chairperson
Cullen and Dykman LLP

Sheryl Giugliano
NYIC Women's Division Co-Chairperson
Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, P.C.   Â

Caryn Alexander
Webster Bank

Melanie Cyganowski
Otterbourg P.C.

Essa Thiry
Change Capital

Florence Tran
Chiron Financial

Tinamarie Feil
BMC Group

Jennifer Palmer
JPalmer Collective

Katie DeCoste
Hilco Real Estate

Laquanda Franklin
White Oak Commercial Finance

Stephanie Sweeney
Klestadt Winters Jureller Southard &
Stevens, LLP