Featuring Andrew Silfen, Managing Partner of Arent Fox's New York office and leads the Bankruptcy & Restructuring practice. Andrew has extensive experience in all aspects of financial restructurings, distressed situations, and bankruptcy. Andrew has a renowned practice representing creditors’ committees, indenture trustees, agents, and bondholders in bankruptcy proceedings, as well as acquirors of and investors in troubled, distressed, and bankrupt companies. Interviewed by Harvey Gross, Executive Director of NYIC. All videos are free to members. Contact nyic@instituteofcredit.org for code.

Featuring J. Scott Victor, Managing Director of SSG Capital Advisors LLC. Scott is a nationally recognized leader in the restructuring industry with 30+ years of experience representing companies in bankruptcy proceedings and out-of-court workouts. Interviewed by Harvey Gross, Executive Director of NYIC. All videos are free to members. Contact nyic@instituteofcredit.org for code.

Featuring Suzanne Koenig, President & Founder of SAK Management Services LLC, a nationally recognized Healthcare and Long-Term Care Management Consulting Services company. Interviewed by Harvey Gross, Executive Director of NYIC. All videos are free to members. Contact nyic@instituteofcredit.org for code.

Featuring Kevin Gillespie & Lou Barone on Banking & Finance during COVID-19 Crisis. All videos are free to members. Contact nyic@instituteofcredit.org for code.

"Harvey, I want to congratulate you on a great job with the on line interview with Paul Rome. It was very well done and provided useful information I these troubled times."
– Paul Petrov, PAS Group Ltd., LLC
"We are in a war with the Corona Virus as an enemy, as in other horrific events in our lifetime, (Wars in Vietnam – Iraq – Afghanistan, 9/11, Tornados, Hurricanes, and mass shootings in schools, churches, etc.) our hardest challenge will be the return to normality. This will not happen overnight, within a week, within a month and perhaps not within a year. The many businesses that have closed, the number of individuals filing for unemployment, the fear for individuals to gather in places like stadiums, public transportation, theatres, office buildings, etc. will be with us for quite a while.
The road to normality in the business world must be done through cooperation and understanding between lenders, borrowers, employees, lawyers, accountants, consultants, property owners, politicians, insurance agents,etc. We must now embrace the technology tools at our disposal to share all viewpoints. The interviews that will be conducted by the New York Institute of Credit will hopefully facilitate the return to normality in the business world. I was honored to be selected as the first interviewee and know that the others selected will share this theme."
– Paul Rome, Paul Rome and Associates LLC
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